Saturday, March 1, 2014

[371] We Don't Care

We don't care” seems to cover the hundreds of different “bad things” I could point to that undermine any hope I have for the future. Professor X believes we need to believe in and ignite the hope that can forever invigorate the human spirit. Of course, when that hope leads to the end of most life on the planet, he gets to go back in time and try something else.

VICE is always a huge impact on my thoughts. It's just the worst examples we as a species set in life and how explicitly bad we are at even admitting to them, let alone pretending to fix them. “Mini” disasters all over the globe that span across every level of humanity. In some regard, to even report on these issues, and to feel an empathetic sickness in watching it, we're stuck “caring.” But, what it seems to do for me more is justify a very George Carlin-esc fuck it all it doesn't matter kind of sense.

We pretend radiation isn't a thing. We pretend we have more than one planet. We pretend that cultures are equal morally. We pretend to care about sacrifice or health. We pretend to care about war. We pretend to care about kids getting educated or honesty in reporting. We pretend to be outraged by scandals and racism.

Of course, when I say “we,” I mean progressive moral elites, and from my small window of the U.S. Bill Maher recently stated that you can't really be upset that someone didn't evolve on the same moral time line in the way you have. If they want to be racist or homophobic, that's just their opinion you have to choke down if you believe in free speech. We slut-shame people like that by every once in a while fining them or giving them a bad name in the press. We write about their toxic influence on modernity in books they'll never read. We mock them on shows they don't watch. We pretend that it's a worthwhile opinion nonetheless because we refuse the factual fuck-ups they're allowed to make in service to that opinion.

And it's because we don't care. We have our own lives. We need to take care of our kids. We need to stimulate our expansive and impressive knowledge banks. I'm not on the shores of where the next super storm hits because of course, I already knew that when you fuck with the planet it fucks back. They kind of got what they deserved. The VA can't get through records? Haven't you heard how abysmally wrong war is? What do I care if you blew your legs off and now struggle to get help for PTSD? What are you, an idiot? Shit blows up over there! Or did you hear the ocean is running out of fish? Ahh, I never liked sushi anyway and I have big plans for my porch garden.

I can't imagine what other kind of internal dialogue these people could be having. If it was “I need to learn more about this to enact change” you might see all of their hard work and reporting translating into something changing. You can literally find any kind of “just as correct” article arguing on behalf of compelling and creating leaders as you can find “everyone do something small.” No one knows. They can't know, so they can't care. And what they can know, only serves to justify how much more “reasonable” they'd be in not caring.

I was recently told to “let it go” when relating my experience with wasting time and money in school to a friend who'd asked. This came from a drunk older woman kind of under her breath as we were at a wedding table. This sentiment always seems to be the champion idea of people I find most hopeless. If I was broken down crying and pounding the table because of what transpired during school, I could see for a second what she might be speaking to. But even recalling and explaining something that happened, to someone that asked, was regarded as the opportune moment to be old-titty-slapped-with-wisdom about what I should no longer consider a problem.

But her's seems like the popular sentiment. It doesn't really matter what it is, eventually people find it “wise” to say and behave like it doesn't matter. Now, I'm all for existential crisis discussions, but I'm not for this kind of hopeless and dismissive sort of “fuck you” to a legitimate concern that, regardless of your opinion of it, had and continues to have consequences. She has a kid ushering the wedding after all, who I'm sure she wants to waste money on and hear about how his degree and time meant nothing.

Surely we learn to alleviate systemic problems and develop better ways to talk about things we choose to be collective amnesiacs about...right? What were we even talking about? Meh, it doesn't matter.

We're saved and condemned by how stupid we are. We can write off genuine potentially life-ending problems as mere accounting errors. Then, we're dumb enough to convince ourselves that things will be okay. Then, we develop entire philosophies and institutions to sometimes even physically condition us to never think differently! We'll sing and dance as we circle the drain, and no one will be the wiser, if we have anything to say about it.

You can justify putting out a shitty product because of “market forces and profit.” You can justify killing people, for any reason, because of “sand niggers,” or wait, I think we still keep it polite and roll to “Islamist extremists” and threats to “freedom.” You can justify throwing endless amounts of money at something you want to change if only to come to the lucid realization that “it's all about PR after all!” For good measure, why not justify a habit of denial and contradiction because “those beliefs bring them comfort!”

Did you know I read a book once on the difference between Sunni and Shia? Don't ask me to define it this precise moment, but dammit, I was so much smarter than the simple war mongers in the White House. At least for a day or two. Oh the attitude that the intellectuals or technology can save us anymore than the screaming lunatics. What undermines them all is a bad theory of human possibilities. Well, bad in that it probably doesn't genuinely assume most of us will have to die off before we see any “major leaps forward.”

“There are only 2 things you can do wrong on the path to truth, not starting, and not following it until the end.”

The truth, as far as it seems to me right now, is that little points of triumph and pride don't outweigh the amount of horrible things happening every second of every day. “We the people” aren't that. We're a bunch of animals running wild. Often, it seems, we have to be extremely lucky to even get people in our own goddamn families that care about us in any real, let alone constructive, way. We don't do things until we're forced. Until we feel threatened right to our faces. We talk about the brink, we calculate the destruction, we'll always plunge right over the cliff.

I need to find a way to brace for impact, or, you know, “just let it go.”