Tuesday, June 30, 2009

[143] My Version

Since its everyone's business and I don't give a fuck anymore, I'll make my case.

I'm not a relationship person, I don't lie to people about what I do and don't feel about them. I told Steev this from the beginning. I try, I really do try to find reasons to care about people and you'd think being able to talk to someone, work out world (or at least campus domination), and awesome, say fun times would be enough. NO. It's never enough. Let's make it dramatic and say your falling in love. Let's tell me "British style relationship" and then get angry at me for following the rules. The truth is, I incessantly had to essentially force the conversations to get ounces of truth or understanding between us. I'll take the blame for being the idiot who's maniacally complicated, but I try to talk things out or give perspective whenever I can. I'll accept all responsibility for whatever mess or confusion this shit has caused because I saw it coming and didn't stop. When she tried to break it off I was opposed because I thought it was a simple matter of better definitions and more talking. I was wrong. Take whatever story you want from her that makes me look like the intentional asshole because it won't be worth bringing up again after this.

Yes, I care/d about her for who she is and how we relate/d. I was never out to hurt her which is what I had to tell her everyday because again, I didn't want to acknowledge what I saw behind her "it's fine" and "it's cools." It was my mistake.

Also, its frankly bullshit the way some of the guys, including myself I recently learned, treat her normally. Unzipping costumes, ass grabs, and punches to the arms and chest that leave bruises are fucking pathetic. And I know she doesn't want me to say anything, but I'll go on sounding stupid trying to make up for my silence then anyway.

How easy it would've been for me to lie. "Yes dear, I love you to," "of course I'll do all I can to make this an awesome relationship," "No, I don't find other girls attractive."

And to be clear, this isn't me ranting about her or blaming her for shit. I'm doing the only fucking thing I've tried to do this entire time and be honest and put my perspective out there. I know where I fucked up, and I still am frankly confused about many things. I understand that serious questions can get lost in the jokes. I don't ever know what people mean by "normal relationship" or "most people" and it can be just as hard for me to read the "joke" in the answer to one of my serious questions as it is for someone to understand me. In any event, I'm learning from the past and refusing to dwell or blow things up. Take this for what you will, but I'm done.