Thursday, September 27, 2007

[36] Microscope Effect

Do you know why I hate to argue? I'll tell you. When I argue I go after people's convictions by using facts about the known world and instances throughout world and personal history of basic human tendency and interaction. When people fight back they pull a maneuver called "pulling the God card." Whenever I ask a question that can't instantly be refuted by the bible God's name gets thrown into the rebuttal. They try to project my question onto their faith. Tempers may flare and random "what if's" get thrown into the equation and by the time we reach any sort of end, any intellectual stance that could've been taken has been obliterated. This again, only tells me you're not secure in your answer and therefore can't be secure in your faith. I keep saying it over and over.

I do not care in the slightest what you believe in. Your faith is justified by the same reasons mine is. I will never try to disprove your God or your beliefs as they are just as valid and significant as mine.

Unfortunately, people believe that having faith in their opinion allows that opinion more truth than it holds. Example. George Bush is the greatest thing to happen to the country. You can believe this with all the not-so-justified faith in the world. That doesn't mean it isn't a dumbass opinion.

The difference in beliefs is what you know about them. Give me a room of Christians and lets see how many of them think pagans were anything but sexual heathens, if they knew what a pagan was at all. Try to make someone believe the bible isn't infallible when it's the "inspired word of a God" that for whatever reason he allowed to get polluted by people who copied the text incorrectly and added things to back their ideals. Bring up the names Dionysus and Osyrus who laid claim to stories of a virgin birth, resurrection, miracles, and ascending to heaven long before the name Jesus was uttered. You are allowed the knowledge of evidence supported history to understand people just as quickly as you can assert something was divine. Is your version of God and a plan going to be justified denying the world of information?

Its important to know how our version of Christianity came to be. Its one thing to believe in the "original" inspired word of God. I can't argue against it, you can't factually argue any more for it. Unfortunately we do not have this original text. It is lost in the seas of time and may or may not be found. Since people love to pretend they know so many things about God I want to ask those people a question.

If the bible is the infallible inspired word of God and its meant to help guide people down the road to salvation why didn't God take any steps in the preservation of such important text?

A guess. He didn't inspire it. He didn't want to be associated with the Inquisition, Crusades, and Holocaust. He actually understands people cannot literally comprehend infinite love, infinite time, and infinite understanding and forgiveness by simply hearing and reading about them.

Again, INTERPRETATION: the mental representation of the meaning or significance of something. If that isn't simple enough then summed up….Your version of ANYTHING. For an interpretation to be right or wrong it can only be assumed. Taking historical evidence to back up the claim is smart, but it does not take away from the nature of interpretation. I find it coincidental that some passages of the bible, if not many, I can twist and "interpret" to fit in with my ideology without even having to think too hard about them. Anyone wonder why? Humans by nature will look at anything and automatically try to make it make sense to themselves. When your raised your entire life, being "taught" how to think and react, of course when you read something your going to "interpret it correctly" by the standards of the people who taught you how to look at it.

Here's the dangerous part. When you deny any doubt you feel about a passage you read. When you blame being thoughtful on the devil. I want to lay out a concept for you. Humans are not born inherently evil. Discuss.

Any "evil" is justified when the responsibility is projected onto something else. When people also don't recognize that it was actually them feeling actual love and performing actual good deeds they start to kill their self esteem and self worth. YOU. God's greatest creation doesn't want to think or believe your capable of good deeds without a greater motivation. Adam and Eve are a perfect example of this projected responsibility. They fuck up and now its your fault. When such a story comes from the "infallible learning device" no wonder its easy to believe your this evil incarnate that needs to be saved from the ever present and inevitable death. No one asks why God allowed a devil serpent into the garden in the first place.

Blanket statement: Everyone has gut feelings. Here's the thing. There is a difference, a discernible difference, in having gut instinctual feelings and being emotional.

I follow my gut instinct. I don't justify it by anything other than my actions. You can believe it is wrong or misguided and that will never allow me the liberty to change it. I can try to believe it is wrong or misguided and that will never allow me the liberty to change it. This is why I consider myself significant. This is why I think any expression of love is significant. I can't come to conclusions about myself until I get over my initial emotions about myself and what I'm presented with. When you get automatically defensive or angry whenever the subject of religion comes up, you may as well not speak.

 It is perhaps a safe assumption that your reaction with "the truth" is not your expression of actual truth.

Blanket statement: People are entertained by the wrong, different, new, and taboo.

Any "good" person who laughs at someone getting hurt after falling down is the basic example of the claim. Of course, not everyone will agree with your position to laugh. Difference of opinion though does not discount the significance of the other peoples' perceptions. Let's take it a step further. People who get controlled by such character traits. With my view, people aren't inherently evil. No baby is born looking to kill someone or itself. Religion, particularly Christianity, provides a scapegoat. And it works both ways for people who want to think themselves selfish or self righteous. You can kill or be martyred in the name of God, and when someone is killed the killer was corrupted by the devil or it was God's plan. When you feel responsible for your hatred and actions you essentially guilt trip yourself into reform. The case doesn't always have to be that extreme. Staying in a bad "Christian" relationship for example…..ya never mind not even gonna start……..Side note. Mental disorders, which today is too broad a category to associate blame, are the exception to such an idea.

Another unfortunate: I think when you allow yourself to become exhausted by thinking about and hoping for that which you can't understand, perceive, and ultimately embrace it becomes a catalyst for sending you into a place of self destruction. Because once the promising potential is polluted, who can blame you?

Broken record effect: Taking it down and bringing it real personal. My gut feeling will always tell me more than what I put in these blogs. My gut feeling tells me that finding and making real connections with real people is the utmost important. My gut feeling cannot deny love and logic and the belief that they can coincide to be the most pure and telling of the nature from the God within. Acknowledging the immanent moment. If you can't use the God given brain to find real truth behind the reasons you say and think the things you do, to me, you lose, or at least hamper, your ability to perceive what "God" is telling you.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

[35] Jesus Vs. Buddah

Definitely didn't write this but it explains my position so well

Jesus & Buddha

Brett Schopen
Western Traditions 201

Disciple?:  I have heard that you are two of the wisest men in the land and so I
have come to you in hopes of advise. I am scared for my future and for the
future of my newborn             daughter.  Can you tell me what is in store for us or
give me an assurance me that we             will be all right? Jesus:  Do not worry
about your life. Do not worry about food, drink, the body.  Life is more than
these things. Believe in your heavenly Father.  He knows what you need and will
provide you with it if you practice and have faith in his teachings. Strive for
the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to
you as well. Buddha:  No. Comfort in the present and future must come from
inside the self , not from             a God.  In meditation you will find the truth of
life that will set you free from worry.

                                    Don't chase after the past,
                                    Don't seek the future;
                                    The past is gone
                                    The future hasn't come
                                    But see clearly on the spot
                                    That object which is now,
                                    While finding and living in
                                    A still, unmoving state of mind.

            This focus on the present is the beginning of the path to enlightenment
which is comfort             through understanding.  When you are able to keep your
mind focused on the present             in a 'still, unmoving state of mind' you have
reached enlightenment, where you will be beyond all emotion including
suffering and worry.

Jesus:  That is not so.  A search for the entire true of life can never make you
content in             your life because you can never know everything there is.  That
is for God alone to know.  To enter the kingdom of heaven you must have
faith in our Father.  You must trust in His wisdom even in hard times.
For to know all and understand all you  would be a god.  And putting
yourself on a platform with God is disrespectful and             blasphemous.  But if you
follow His laws your suffering will end in the hereafter.

Buddha:  Truth is available to all people not just gods.  For truth is in all
things in the             universe.  We only have to learn not to react with emotion to
see it.  If you can master             not reacting through meditation you will see the
true nature of the universe that lies             behind the illusion of emotion.  In this
truth you will see the cause and effect  relationship of all things and
in that an order which will bring you understanding and comfort.

Disciple?:  What are the truths and teachings you speak of?

Jesus:  In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.   Always
live by this rule and respect your Father and you will one day be
allowed to walk beside Him in the kingdom of heaven.

Buddha:  In this we do not much differ.  The most fundamental truth is to have
compassion for all creatures. Without this you can never end suffering .
"If a man foolishly does me wrong, I will return to him the protection of
my ungrudging love.  In             trying to cause another anguish you only hurt
yourself.  A wicked man who spits at heaven spoils not the heaven, but
defiles himself when the spittle comes back on him."

Disciple?:  But how can I know who is right?

Jesus:  You can know I speak the truth because I am our Father's Son and I carry
his        word.  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven.  Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  Blessed
are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be
filled.  Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see             God."

Disciple?:  That seems fair. But if I believe in God I cannot be saved because I
have already gone against these without even knowing it.

Jesus:  You can still be saved my son. For I am the Son of God and I am here to
heal you             and absolve your sins.

Disciple?:  You even have the power to cleanse my rotted leg?

Jesus: Yes I do. Be made clean!

Disciple?:  OH MY?!  My eyes deceive my mind!  How can this be?!?

Jesus:  The power of God my son.

Buddha:  My dear boy do you not see that no matter what power he might have he
cannot truly free you from suffering?  In your reaction to his healing
you started again the cycle that leads to suffering but he leaves you no way
to end it.  Suffering is "any craving that is unsatisfied."   If you are never
allowed to find out how this can be, because you can't question, you will
always suffer from your desire.  To destroy this suffering you must free
the self from the thirst of desire.  But you can never do that if you're
eyes are fighting with your mind, if you are fighting with yourself.  There is
an eight fold path which leads to the destruction of  sorrow.  Right
understanding 1 and thought 2, that lead to wisdom. Right speech 3, action 4,
and livelihood 5, that lead to  morality.  Right effort 6, mindfulness 7, and
concentration 8, that lead to concentration.  But accepting his power on faith
as unexplainable keeps you from the first step on the        path, understanding.  As
does reacting favorably to the laws he states because they  "seem" fair.  If
you react to them as fair and take them as true because "He" says so, you give
up your power to be enlightened in your search for the truth.  Without that to
 end your suffering you will go to his heaven with your desires numbed or
constantly filled, but never quenched, and you will never truly be happy

Disciple?:  I am still thoroughly confused. Is there no definite answer!?

Buddha:  Not that we can give you.  It is a question of faith in what could be
or proof in what is.

Jesus:  Whether you trust in yourself or in the Almighty.

Buddha:  Whether you think comfort comes from the process of learning or simply
having the answer.

Jesus:  It is a question of right and wrong.

Buddha:  It is a question of what you know in your heart of hearts.

Disciple?: Thank you Jesus and Buddha.  Although I am still deeply confused I
know that only I have the answer. So I will be off to find out who and
what, I believe.

Friday, September 14, 2007

[34] Disturbing Movies And Ignored Questions

For the record, I try to stay away from blanket statements like "Christianity is the worlds biggest cult."

I'm watching Jesus Camp as we speak. Again, something that shocks the shit out of me so badly that my chest starts to hurt and my stomach sink. There is nothing more sad to me than seeing all these people literally being brainwashed. I mean going after kids? That's basically sick. Since when did being evolved from animals mean that we don't have a purpose in life? How does that mean we can't love without Jesus? The world knew NO love before the bible was written? Bullshit.

I want every "true" Christian to pray in a collective effort against me. Just to see what happens. Of course that wouldn't mean anything. When I told them nothing happened I'm a liar compelled by the devil. This camp teaches kids to die for what they don't understand. I don't care what you think you have faith in, a faith misunderstood is a faith unworthy.

Radical and passionate used in the same sentence to describe yourself is insane. I've come to a pretty hard understanding. You can't use logic and reason to fight with radical and passionate. Those two things are mental inhibitors in that persons mind. You can't get past them until they do.

This woman, who's the leader of the camp, goes on a rant about Harry fucking Potter. I fictional character who's this demon wizard boy against God. Says he would be put to death if he were real. Let me put this as plainly as I can


This next section is just going to be questions. Open ended, and hopefully going to help me organize an interview with a few pastors I want to talk with.

God's perfection created the world and people in his image and yet the people, who are born uninfluenced atheists, are automatically stained with sin and damned to hell or purgatory because they haven't accepted Jesus as their savior?

To preach the messages of love and peace we need to create more soldiers for Christ?

The only way to be taken seriously about what you believe is die in the name of it?

There are two kinds of love? Mine isn't worthy why?

What is so bad about being wrong? Just a little too human for you?

Did you know being born of a virgin, nailed to a cross, and rising from the dead is not the first time the story was told?

What do you believe is the most powerful thing controlling humanity, laziness or fear?

Why do people think that saying God created everything in 7 days EXPLAINS ANYTHING? Nothing makes that claim different from ANY claim about ANY thing.

What does God sound like, describe his voice. Loud? Deep?

What do you say about the Gospels of Mary Magdelan (sp?) and Judas? Have you even read them? Better yet, even heard of them?

Why can't you realize what man writing the bible says about the bible? Who's saying God can fuck up? Not me. Who's saying men fuck up. EVERYONE.

Why do we need to "saved" from death? It was bound to happen the second you shot out of you dad's ball sack. It will happen to everyone and everything. Who's saving my dog?
I guess that's one of those wrong kinds of love right?

What do you think would happen if people stopped focusing on how loud they can scream Jesus's name and started focusing on just living and loving? What would the impact of John Doe have on the world instead of "John Doe's faith?"

Don't you find it intriguing that spooky scientists don't cause wars? Neither do Atheists, or Taoists, or Buddhists. All of them teach something different from you, they love and live, and aren't dieing or persecuting because they think your different.

Why would God create you with a brain if you weren't supposed to use it? Why do you need to be told how to think, feel, and speak? Did you ever a day in your life tell yourself you are bad for thinking before you became a "Christian?"

Why don't you think heaven was good enough for the devil? Why do you think God lets the devil tempt you? Is it a game? Does God want you to live in heaven so badly that he gives you flaws and a supernatural demon beast to toy with you? I bet that makes perfect awesome heaven taste that much sweeter ..even though its already perfect…and sweet….

Isn't the devil just a scapegoat for responsibility? When you don't know how to handle something you blame someone else. Basic human rule of nature. Ask any kid who's lied about a broken window. What's stops all the "old kids" in the world from holding true to that same law? How hard is it to make people believe in something that's responsible for making them be "bad" people? How good do people want to make themselves look before they stop trying?

What are you doing to stop all the "wrongs" ,as you so view them, that are being committed by people claiming to be Christian. All the preaching and ministering is obviously working wonders, but you got any more ideas?
Why do you believe I could be "more scared," in a sense, of what a radically passionate Christian is going to do to this nation, than any scientist?

What kind of message does it send about God when gay hater Ted Haggart turned out to be gay? At least the God of his church.

What's wrong with finding the God within? How can one damn to hell the very virtues at the top of the Christian ladder just because they weren't interpreted in the same? Don't you realize that's what interpret means? No two ways completely alike.